Inner Child Therapy Worksheets

"All of the fractured parts of our mind have their own logic and thought systems. They want different things, and they are expressions of different personalities.


They have different goals because they think different things will make us happy. Some of these parts are emotionally arrested or stunted from the trauma that caused the fracture. There is not one inner child, there are many, and they are all emotionally arrested."  


~ Chuck Spezzano


These therapy worksheets support you to slowly release your emotional pain in safe, powerful and wisely structured ways.


Process your emotional pain and overwhelm through expressive art, meditation and journal writing techniques. These worksheets are effective for the healing the pervasive pain of inner child and inner teen aspects of self.


My therapeutic framework gently explores six principles of emotion processing: (1) awareness of emotion, (2) emotional expression, (3) regulation of emotion, (4) reflection on created beliefs from past experiences, (5) transformation of emotion, (6) corrective experience of emotion through new experiences.


This course is for people who want to do self-therapy to heal their inner child. You can view the course HERE.


PDF Worksheets Include:

A. Emotional Awareness

1. Inner Child Meditation

2. Thinking at the Edge

3. Self-Mirroring Journal

4. How Old Are You?

5. How Addictions Mask Emotions


B. Emotional Regulation

6. Calming Your Inner Child

7. Creative Practices for Emotional Overwhelm

8. Calming Fear

9. Understanding Your Inner Critic

10. Healing Negative Mind States


C. Emotional Expression

11. Processing Emotional Triggers

12 Writing from the Body

13. Inner Child Change Process

14. Unburdening Your Inner Child

15. Releasing Rituals


D. Emotional Reflection

16. Exploring Memory

17. Ancestral Healing

18. Integrating Lost Selves

19. Trauma and Shamanic Tests

20. Write Your Autobiography


E. Emotional Transformation

21. Good Mother and Good Father Messages

22. The Purpose of Emotional Pain

23. Understanding Emotional Development

24. Expansive Gratitude Journal

25. Proper Use of Positive Affirmations


F.  Emotional Correction

26. 50 Truths about Negative Emotions

27. Defining Boundaries and Values

28. Defining Core Values

29. Discovering Life Purpose

30. Passion Test

Free Sample Meditation

1_ Inner Child Meditation.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.3 MB