Healing Collage

Healing Collage · February 28, 2021
Wisdom of the Body
If you have been delving into my work for a long-time, you might know that I personally practice a modality called "Focusing" I have written many articles about how I spend time each day listening into my body for my next "growth edge." This is my way of listening to my body's wisdom.
Healing Collage · February 21, 2021
Be Decisive
The cure for most obstacles is to be decisive. While the nervous system will regularly bring up your unhealed past for love and reconciliation, being decisive about how to move forward is also a profound way to emotionally heal.
Healing Collage · February 14, 2021
Daring to Have Boundaries
Healthy boundaries define who you are. Once you know what you authentically stand for, you can set boundaries that define your most precious values without guilt or apology.
Healing Collage · February 06, 2021
The Dance of Expansion
It takes effort to access your unlimited soul especially if you have been constricted within an emotional pain loop for a long time.
Healing Collage · January 31, 2021
Risk Blossoming
How do you blossom during challenging times? For myself, a regular meditation process quiets me enough to feel my true-self signals.
Healing Collage · January 24, 2021
Self-tenderness has been such a key ingredient in my emotional healing journey.
Healing Collage · January 17, 2021
Inner Elegance
What does it mean to feel inwardly elegant? Emotional pain can feel jagged, disturbing, and dissonant. When I do my emotional self-love work I feel integrated, balanced and elegantly at peace.
Healing Collage · January 10, 2021
Life Purpose
I see the meaning of "life purpose" as being our unique way of loving ourselves, others and the world. And now, more than ever we need to make a firm choice between love and fear.
Healing Collage · January 03, 2021
HEALING COLLAGE Week 1: Beginning “Sometimes we can only find our true direction when we let the wind of change carry us.” ~ Mimi Novak